Strix’s sustainability journey started in earnest back in 2020 when they conducted initial analysis against the UN SDG’s, implemented an internal reporting structure and published their first sustainability report to stakeholders. Work continued with KPI’s and targets being set leading to a commitment to achieve Net Zero (for scope 1&2) by the end 2023, which was subsequently achieved ahead of target. As part of Strix efforts to become more sustainable they have sought to certify manufacturing operations across the globe to ISO50001 – Energy Management System.

This presentation will briefly outline Strix's sustainability journey, but will focus on the efforts taken in the manufacturing plant in Ramsey, Isle of Man to achieve certification to ISO50001, how this has changed the way that the team think about energy use within the facility and how that could help other organisations to do similar, whether they are high-volume manufacturing, a specialised manufacturer or an office based organisation. The approach needed to achieve certification will help all organisations improve how they manage their energy consumption and hence be supportive of their efforts to become more sustainable throughout their operations.

Due to the generous sponsorship of Conister, this event is free to attend and includes a light breakfast.

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July 9, 2024

9:15 am

Launchpad Event Space

Chamber of Commerce

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